Allied Interests Inc.

Allied Interests - Texas Real Estate Specialists


Allied Interests Inc. (founded in 1987) specializes in three areas: Solving unique and challenging tasks undertaken for the benefit of its clients and partners; Acquisition, disposition and developing of real estate; Venture investing, management and business consulting.

The president, Jon H. Starnes, has designed, managed and constructed numerous projects as an investor/owner and as a consultant developments valued in excess of $460 million.


What We Do

  • Acquisition, disposition and developing real estate is our strongest asset.

  • We solve unique and challenging tasks undertaken for the benefit of our clients and partners.

  • We do venture investing, management and business consulting.

  • Management has a diverse professional background encompassing extensive experience in multiple domains.

  • We have over 40 years of experience and Allied has been in business for over 19-years.